Feature Film
ScriptWorks can help you make your feature screenplay work for the audience you want to reach.
Send us a one page synopsis. We will tell you within three business days if we are able to assist. There is no fee for this first look.
You choose what you want to spend and how you want to spend it.
Reader Reports
Cost – $800.00 + GST
We provide you with a report covering analysis of concept, story and genre, characterization and the flow of the narrative management of point of view, rhythm, dialogue, structure and theme the style and commercial strategies.
We detail both the potential and the problems of your screenplay and its story.
We look at the style of the picture as well as the commercial strategies you are contemplating.
Where there is potential we acknowledge and identify it. Where there are problems we outline them – and offer suggestions for solutions.
Script Consultations
Cost – $400 + GST
We read the material and you get a two-hour consultation: in person (with coffee), or by phone or Zoom or Skype.
scriptWorks feature film script consultations cover strategic issues (like should I keep going with this project?); ‘big picture’ questions about the concept; writing and style issues and development strategies you could employ.
You decide what you want to talk about; we listen and advise.
Additional consultation time is charged at $100 per hour.
Script Editing
Cost – from $7000 + GST
We aim to accelerate and focus the development of a screenplay – saving the writer time and the producer money. Our goal is to get as close to a production-ready draft as possible.
Combining written notes with discussions, our editing process takes the project through re-structuring and (at least) two passes to get to the new full draft – with notes and comments at each stage and at the end.
- Clarifying the concept
- Ensuring that the story is strong and the characterization is credible and compelling
- Monitoring the flow of the narrative and the management of narrative point of view, as well as the overall execution of plot and sub-plots
- Keeping an experienced eye on the cinematic rhythm of the film as well as ensuring that the dialogue ‘plays’ and is in character, that the structure is sound and that the theme is clear and well integrated
- Most importantly, we ensure the script works, keeping its promise to the audience.
Pricing provides for full management of the development of a single draft. Should the project go into production, an additional deferred $3,000 fee is due on the first day of principal photography.
Cutting Room Consultations
Cost – $500 + GST
We all know that the last draft of a screenplay is ‘written’ in the cutting room and sometimes a project just needs a fixer or a fresh and canny eye on the story and the storytelling.
Our fee covers viewing the film and up to two hours consultation in the edit suite. Additional $100 per hour thereafter. We can come to your cutting room or work remotely via Vimeo Zoom and Skype.